Charlton Comics
Cowboy Love
Number 29
This is the one and only Cowboy Love issue I have in my collection. In fact I have never had the opportunity to read another issue and I am a little leery of typing "Cowboy Love" in my search engine.
I really enjoy the art in this issue so I wanted to share this story in its entirety.
Ol' Brokeback got 'em good.
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday, btw!
Spectergirl: Great story and nice art. Are you going to gradually post the entire book? Your scans are nice quality.
ReplyDeleteIn the narrative where it says, "Now she had a man's job to do...", it places us squarely in the days before gender equality in law enforcement!
You can download and read Fawcett's Cowboy Love 10 and 11 from the Golden Age comics Downloads website:
plus Charlton's Cowboy Love 28 & 30:
You will need to download and install the cbr reader to read them, and here's a link to a copy of it on my 4shared site, where if you browse around (see the link to the whole folder) you'll find a lot of romance comic scans:
If you wanted to post stories from these scans on your blog, you can separate out the individual pages of the .cbr or .cbz files in the following way. A .cbr file is basically an .rar file with the file ending changed to .cbr. Similarly a .cbz file is a .zip file with the file ending changed to .cbz. Make a folder and put a copy of the .cbr or .cbz file you want to dissect into the folder. Using WinRAR (you may have to download and install this if you don't already have it on your PC), browse to the file you want to change, and simply highlight it and manually change the file ending from .cbr to .rar, or from .cbz to .zip. Then extract the file, exit WinRar, and use Windows Explorer on your computer to look at the folder you just created by extracting the .rar file. You'll see all the pages of the comic in there. You can use Picasa (free download from Google) to straighten and edit the images if you want, and then post stories on your blog. Please excuse me if you knew all this already.
SpecterGirl: After the drubbing Charlton took last night on Jacque's comic chat, I am proud of you for posting this! Now, I don't give a darn what anyone thinks, this is some nice art and a good story! And what a beautiful cover!!
ReplyDeleteBTW: I googled "Cowboy Love." Suffice to say, I didn't see Charlton comics in the results. -- Mykal
lonewolfnocub: Thanks! Got to spend my b-day driving down to Athens for work BUT I did make time to stop and pick up a few comics at the Antique malls down 33. And then Aaron and I got into an argument about the location of that comic book store you took us to a million years ago.
ReplyDeleteKB: I'm glad you like it. I absolutely adore the art in the issue.
Thank you so much for the links! I will definitely check them out. I've been really tempted but I have tried to post only from my own collection, but eventually that could end in weeks and weeks of Career Girl Romances and I don't think anyone wants that. :)
I do plan to at least post Outlaw Girl in the near future.
Mykal: Hey, someone had to stand up for Charlton. No doubt DC and Marvel had better art overall but there is some really nice stuff from Charlton. It's not all Yachts. But quite frankly I'm a little jealous the the whole yacht thing, I'm going to have to start looking for yacht stories now.
Still laughing about Cowboy Love, and Mykal's comment.
ReplyDeleteI liked this story. Something sweet and tender about the cover, too. Nice art.
Thanks for posting and
Hoppy Birdy To You.
Though Bruce may like her in a dress, I prefer her man clothes.
ReplyDeleteOh don't get me wrong... I like Charlton romances. Some bad stuff, but that goes for any of the romance books. When Charlton is good though, it is really good.
Don't know how I ended up with all these yacht stories. I may have to post some eventually! Thanks again for stopping by the Chat last night and I hope your birthday was wonderful!!!
Jacque: Oh, no. I'm just joking around. I love DC, Marvel as well as Charlton. And, quite frankly, for me sometimes the more ridiculous the story the better.
ReplyDeleteYou should consider having "Yacht Week". That would rule.
Jacque; Spectergirl: Did somebody say yachts!? I really missed out by not tuning in to the live discussion obviously. At a rough guess I'd say 1 in 20 romance stories involves at least a short stint on board a yacht. And of the yachtsmen, 95% wear one of those caps, and 80% wear those stripy shirts. I think it all started with that beautifully drawn story in Heart Throbs 1, unless anyone knows of an earlier romance on board a yacht?