Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Jonnie Love - Sexiest Man Alive?

"The Town that Forgot Love"
Charlton Comics
Teen-Age Love
Number 94

There can be no doubt the women love an artist. Whether a man can paint, sculpt or string a coherent sentence together, we find it irresistible. But sometime around the age of 32 a whole new world of sexy opens up - a man who knows how to fix things. And there is nothing hotter!

About this time conversations start to change from "And then he sketched me in charcoals while I slept." to "Afterwards he fixed that toilet downstairs that kept running."

Now men, don't be foolish enough to make the assumption that you can, if nothing else, skate by on good-looks and talent all your life. At some point you WILL be asked to install a ceiling fan. And if you know how to snake a drain or switch out an alternator! OMG are you getting lucky tonight!

With that said, we come to Jonnie Love.

Everyone's favorite stray, Jonnie is adabtable as well as bearded. And he has learned a great deal on the lonely road. A lot more than just that there are alternatives to washing dishes to get a free meal. Yep, a lot more.

In The Town that Forgot Love, Jonnie's never ending drive home brings him to yet another town in need of his help.

White - Jonnie's favorite kind of trash!

He says "family" but I think it's a Social Security check.

See! Women of all ages just really like Jonnie Love.

Wait! Who's seducing who here?

Fix up the place? Jonnie, Bonnie is only a teenager, you're pulling out the big guns for the wrong woman!.

Oh, Bonnie, where to begin?

Oh, except for the time where the disapproval of my principle and my parents had me running away for, like, twenty years.

Jonnie, this is kind of private. Can you and creepy green sweater guy give them some room?

Happy Hump Day everyone!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Outlaw Girl!

Like your romance with more cowboy hat? Make sure to check out ...

As I get a chance to guest blog on

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The most EXCITING Hump Day ever!

"Never Forget Me"
Charlton Comics
Teen-Age Love
Cover and story art by José Luis Garcia-Lopez
Number 93

Don't let the awkward shoulder massage on the cover fool you, this is the most action packed Jonnie Love story to date!

In Never Forget Me we catch up with Jonnie Love on his ceaseless journey home - this time in sunny Acapulco! Damn, that boy needs a compass.

Long trips give a person time to reflect. Time to reflect on their past, their present and their future. And Jonnie Love's own reflections only help solidify he desire to return home. Nothing can stop him.

For Jonnie Love women are trouble. And when his thoughts turn in the direction of Diane it is enough to distract him from possible death by vehicular homicide.

Did Jonnie Love just curse?

After the initial road rage subsides, Jonnie goes to see if he can help.

"She's a girl!" What gave it away Jonnie? I'm going to guess her huge rack.

Not sure if he actually believes all Diane's drama, Jonnie still throws her on the back of his bike and takes off. But it isn't long before he realizes Diane is not exaggerating.

Wow, that's a huge step up from a thug wearing a Nazi helmet.

Once it appears they are in the clean, Diane's hunger apparently overcomes her and she begs to stop.

Thank God that King Kastle Hamburgers (Home of Hamburger) was there.

Jonnie, of course, is no fool. And realizing that women can't be trusted, he watches Diane's every move.

"I'm just a dizzy blonde, Jonnie!" He's heard that one too many times.

Back out on the road, soon the Mercedes of death is hot on their heels!

Squirrel! (Make sure to check out Sequential Crush on Squirrels in romance comics!)

Death or capture seem the only alternatives but Jonnie Love is more than just acquainted with the art of running way. And knowing where you're running to is half the battle.

Like he said, nothing was going to stop him from getting home this time. Not even a beautiful woman with more than enough money in diamonds to buy him another outfit.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Hump Day + One

"Where the Action Is"
Charlton Comics
Teen-Age Love
Story art by Frank Bolle
Number 91

As I am sure you have noticed, I am late.

I'm also sure that this isn't the first time Jonnie Love has heard a woman say that!

So today we will celebrate Hump Day Plus One. And what better way to celebrate than with Where the Action Is. A story, that true to its title, starts with all the action any Jonnie Love fan could ever desire.

This time we meet up with Jonnie on the beach. WHAT?! Yes, and our hero has upgraded from clear plastic to a super hip white helmet.

When Jonnie sees a shapely blonde being pawed against her will, he overcomes his aversion to confrontation and asks the beach Casanova to back off.

As expected, the fists starting flying.

Soon the blonde becomes concerned that Jonnie may get hurt. We, of course, know Jonnie better than that.

Nice move Jonnie Love!

After blinding Ozzie, perhaps for life, Jonnie gains enough time to grabs the blonde and run.

And while Ozzie and his thugs swear vengeance on Jonnie Love, Jonnie starts feigning interest in his bike mate only to quickly learns that all his dreams have come true.

One chaperon isn't enough to deter Jonnie Love.

We thought you'd never ask!

After listening to Gina and her friends whine for what seems like an eternity, Jonnie meets the chaperon.

Mrs. Shaw seems tense Jonnie. Any ideas?

Jonnie tells Gina that he will stay round as a deterrent to boy of a more appropriate age.

Gina is VERY appreciative.

Of course it isn't long before more trouble shows up.

And Jonnie Love is forced to tattle.

You are the MAN Jonne Love!

But while he waits for the authorities to come, Jonnie Love is forced to take matters in his own hands. But don't worry, Jonnie Love is truly in his element.

Once the police arrive, Jonnie lets the boys in blue take over.

And the girls give Jonnie a hero's welcome.

When Jonnie finally departs from the girls, Ozzie and his pals make one last attempt to teach Jonnie a lesson. But Jonnie Love's skill at escape can't help but impress.

Be kind and remember to L♥ve one another.